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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2017/3/16 14:46:28  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

 Importation by ocean shipping
The group is next to Qingdao harbor with great geographically position. We can provide customers with prompt logistic information. We have professional team for inspection declaration and Customs declaration to provide customers with the latest commodity inspection and Customs’ regraulation and prompt service. Several large vehicle companies are cooperating with us to provide land carriage service of bulk cargo and containers.  公司目前拥有与当代国际货运相配套的软硬件设施,建立了集海运、陆运、空运、铁路和多式联运为一体的,全方位、多功能的国际货运网络体系。为广大海内外客户提供各种进出口货运的海上直达、中转及海铁、海陆、江海、空运、联运等运输服务,接受委托办理订舱、配载、拼箱、报关、报检、拆装箱、代运、仓储、大件运输、租船、信息咨询、海上运输保险等货运业务。
        公司以化工品原料(如聚乙烯,聚丙烯,EVA, PVC,PTA以及各类大宗液体化工原料)、纸浆、棉花、大宗散货(如铁矿砂,钢材
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